Montag, 11. Oktober 2021

Pubg Ps4 Controller Sensitivity

Controller settings on pc are the same as console, 1-20 i'm running the same numbers except for my vertical sensitivity multiplier thats 85% on console, 108% on pc i havent messed with the mouse settings much my little wireless mouse is pure garbo so i didn't bother. Pubg ps4 controller sensitivity. Updated pubg sample profile 8-12-2019: the attached profile was made for the following in-game settings on ps4: controller binding preset: type b right dead zone: 10 left dead zone: 10 forward running sensitivity: 20 movement sensitivity: 100% vertical sensitivity multiplier: 100% general.

pubg ps4 controller sensitivity


How to play pubg with a controller | battlegrounds (pubg

Enumerating the optimum sensitivity settings in pubg mobile for a smoother game-play with these settings, you can control the recoil in a much better manner. The vertical sensitivity is related directly with horizontal sensitivity. example - you set your 1x scope to a sens of 6 and set your vertical sens at 50, now when you ads you will track twice as fast horizontally as you do vertically.. Ps4; buy from our shop; so if your using a mouse and you have 5ft of mouse pad then acceleration is a bit of an over kill but using a controller with a small analog that onley moves so far in any direction this is where i feel it comes into play that being said the sensitivity options in pubg are complete trash when compared to other.

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