Why is pubg performance and graphics so bad on the xbox one? will this be fixed soon? close 2 posted by u/[deleted] 2 years ago archived why is pubg performance and graphics so bad on the xbox one? will this be fixed soon? the title says it all i’d really rather not spend 500$ to play a game (meaning buying the xbox one x) that i already. Why is pubg so bad on xbox. Unfortunately, pubg has serious frame rate issues on the xbox consoles frame rates are at their worst in the lobby and and initial landing areas before the shooting starts.
why is pubg so bad on xbox
Story of my (pubg) life right there run for 10-20 minutes across the map and get great loot, only to a) get shot in the face on first encounter or b) have the game crash completely and throw me back to startup screen. So instead of trying to just kill, again, place attention on knowing that dying will certainly occur at any given time in pubg and so you’ll have to get used to it. when you remove that anxiety of losing and focus more on the areas of self evaluation, then you spend a lot more time to say, “ok i’m just going to focus on aiming today and. (image source :- fox sport asia) pubg is an unique kind of game. here your battle with not monsters, evil warriors and villian but from other people who are as same as you -no extra advantage, no cheat code and no manipulation. this game is inspir....