This video shows you how to make and create your own custom game matches and modes make public games or add a password so only your friends can play - just remember to hit the start button to not. Pubg how to make a custom game. Create match – normal mode 1 name your custom match and set it to either public or private 2 select a game mode (normal is the standard “battle royale” experience) 3 select a preset—more of these will be made available over time 4 these are default settings which are necessary to create any custom match 5.
pubg how to make a custom game
How to make or join a custom room in pubg pc lite my discord link - discord link - https://discordgg/mszqzn2 comment down below if you want any information or you have any questions. As of pc 1.0 update #18 , pubg corp gave the ability, not just partners now, the ability to create a custom lobby. custom games range from; normal mode, zombies mode, war mode and esports mode. normal mode: classic battle royale rules—be the last person (or team) standing. zombie mode: play as either humans or zombies. only one faction can win.. Currently custom games are only available for creation by pubg partners who are community content creators who have been accepted into the program via application. players can join custom games that pubg partners create if they have the password to join..