If you are new to this please visit our pubg mobile pc article let’s start with transferring pubg mobile game from mobile phone to your pc or laptop emulator this is one of the difficult tasks, that many of us face but don’t worry i am here to show you a simple to copy pubg mobile game to your pc emulator steps to copy pubg mobile from. How to copy pubg mobile on pc. This is a tutorial for copy pubg from pc to mobile tencent emulatoryou need to follow this step by step guide to copy pubg mobile to pc in tencent gaming buddy.
how to copy pubg mobile on pc
We have got many queries in recent days regarding the process of transferring the pubg data from one pc to anotherit is absolutely possible to transfer pubg mobile files from one device to another without the need of spending the internet and downloading the entire file once again we all know that pubg mobile is a 2gb file and sometimes it consumes even more internet. To copy the apk file, transfer the pubg app from your mobile to another mobile by using xender or any other file transferring app. and then copy that apk file from another phone to your pc. to copy the obb file you have to open the file manager of your mobile and then go to internal storage then open an android folder and then open obb folder. Copying the pubg mobile into pc from mobile. if you have latest version of pubg mobile than, open you file explorer in mobile, go to android folder and then go to obb folder, go to com.tencent.ig and copy the file in this folder it will be named as main.11150.com.tencet copy this file and paste it in you computer or laptop..