How to use items in pubg mobile in addition to using shortcuts assigned to each item or feature, players can also flexibly search and use what they want, depending on the case, by: from the game's main interface, press the ctrl key to activate the mouse, then the left mouse button on the equipment bag icon. Pubg items usage. Pubg crates and items recent posts redeem codes for pubg mobile in 2020; how to disable snow inside the menu in cs:go?.
pubg items usage
Pubg is offering 60 character uc + 5 character scrap + 1 classic scrap for freethis offer is valid for all users don’t waste your time and follow the below steps and collect pubg mobile free items ( expired ) how to get 60 character uc + 5 character scrap + 1 classic scrap for free 1. Similar to other loot items available in pubg mobile, a canted scope can be found on the map. you will need to search for this scope while you’re playing a match. once you find one, you will be able to equip scope alongside other scopes and it will serve as a close-range scope.. Items use med kit first aid kit bandage energy drink inventory movement move forward strafe left move backward strafe right peek left copyright