The new pubg mobile 090 update will be available for download on google play store and app store pubg mobile has already announced a few features coming with the new update pubg mobile 090 update: download and install users can also download the beta version of pubg mobile 090 through this link for the official version, the update. Pubg mobile new update 090. Tencent games has rolled out the much awaited 090 update for pubg mobile the new update is available for users globally and in india pubg mobile 090 is the next big update after 080 which brought sanhok map to the game pubg mobile servers were taken down yesterday for a few hours for maintenance users on android and ios platforms can start downloading the latest 090 update.
pubg mobile new update 0.9.0
Pubg mobile 090 update: night mode, halloween theme and more new features coming to pubg mobile 090 include night mode in erangel map night mode will be turned on randomly in-game. Pubg mobile patch 0.9.0 update. judging by a ‘post to patch notes’ in the official pubg mobile discord by tencent, pubg mobile is getting what seems like a very big update. we also expect there to be a convenient ‘leak’ just before the update is out, however, pubg mobile will anyway start posting clips and teasers on their official twitter account.. Pubg mobile update time: tencent reveal 0.9 release date download news a new pubg mobile update is being launched very soon, with tencent taking the game servers down for extended maintenance..